Video Production

Kuch kuch bollywood nights

Kuch Kuch is London’s original bollywood club. Kuch Kuch nights are set to the pulsating sounds of current & classic Bollywood beats with a touch of soul, world & memorable pop expertly mixed by Kuch Kuch.. resident DJ’s Ritu, San-j Sanj, and Guest DJ’s! Kuch Kuch.. club nights are exclusive, and welcome attitude-free Bollywood lovers from across the globe!

We work as an extended design team of Kuch Kuch’s. We take control of the content calendar, creating social media posters and videos, writing copy and planning the visual representation of the brand.

Warwick University's biggest festival celebrating Arts & Culture.

Eegai helped Wastesavers with an Induction video which the brand will use while recruiting new workers.

Warwick University's biggest festival celebrating Arts & Culture.